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Today marks 100 days since I left home to launch on the World Race!!! I’m constantly amazed at how much has happened and the ways that God has moved. To celebrate, I’ve created a list of 100 blessings that have happened in our 100 days (in no particular order).


  1. Sweet Maria. Our favorite Guatemalan abuelita.
  2. Pillow talk with Jenna Watry
  3. Quotes of the day
  4. Chocolate rice (especially late at night)
  5. The gift of tongues, aka remembering more Spanish than you actually learned in high school
  6. But actually, the gift of tongues
  7. Holy Spirit baptisms
  8. Friends who watch 13 hours of Lord of the Rings Extended Edition because you’ve never seen it
  9. Honey butter popcorn. If you’ve never tried it, do it.
  10. Dogs in every home we visit
  11. The late night crew
  12. Late night talks
  13. Late night snacks (in addition to chocolate rice)
  14. God providing more than we need
  15. Random songs about random things
  16. 6 girls with nothing and everything in common
  17. Becoming family and creating a home together
  18. Having people that make up the other 2/3 of your logistics brain
  19. Literally sitting at the foot of a volcano in the 24 hours when it’s not exploding
  20. Riding up to said volcano in the backs of trucks (somehow without injury)
  21. Binge watching The Chosen
  22. The best photographers
  23. Scrapbooking
  24. So many people being open to the gospel
  25. The WiFi room
  26. Duolingo 
  27. Hotel pools before we got kicked out
  28. $10 air conditioning 
  29. 4000 colones laundromat 
  30. New music
  31. Friends who write worship songs
  32. Spontaneous improv
  33. Hair wraps
  34. Spontaneous tattoos (even though it didn’t feel like a blessing in the moment)
  35. More coffee shops than I can remember 
  36. 30 Quetzal ($3) Converse in the market
  37. Learning to surf
  38. Fighting for friendships 
  39. ATV rides
  40. A smoothie a day
  41. Beach sunsets
  42. Church in a garage 
  43. Personal Uber drivers (shoutout to Fernando)
  44. Fitting 6 people in said Uber and thanking God that the brakes didn’t go out
  45. Pollo Campero ice cream
  46. Pollo Campero food. Sometimes. Not really, but you take what you can get.
  47. Beauty for Ashes in a hot chocolate shop. 
  48. Sweet Maria’s panqueques 
  49. “Con permiso!” First thing in the morning (or “Ay perdon!” per Jenna)
  50. Cafe Arenales (it’s like a mocha milkshake, so basically heaven on earth)
  51. Jenna’s guac 
  52. Watching a volcano explode on our 2nd night in Guat
  53. Finding both AC AND WiFi in 1 place
  54. FaceTime calls from home
  55. Marco Polo
  56. Street food
  57. God time in a beer garden (who would have thought??)
  58. A little bit of Asheville in Antigua 
  59. Surprise birthday parties… and a funeral
  60. Ice cream cake 
  62. Sweet letters from friends to send me off 
  63. Being welcomed into the most grand and most humble homes all the same
  64. Random trips to the city for dinner
  65. Being Maria’s pack mules at the market 
  66. Teaching Alex English (“jes!” And “Que cute!”)
  67. Valentines dates with Powla
  68. Getting impromptu Spanish lessons from Clarita
  69. Sorting 1,000 guisquiles with Carmelina and Genesis 
  70. Learning what a guisquil is
  71. “Hola Gringas!!” And hugs from Leandro 
  72. Watching the 3rd To All the Boys
  73. Getting fresh flowers from the market
  74. Learning all about the Destiny Assessment
  75. Chikys. Seriously, they’re so addicting 
  76. Getting to see scarlet macaw, toucans, bats, and iguanas all in your front yard
  77. Sorting trash (I know what you’re thinking, but it really was a blessing)
  78. Random photoshoots on the beach at sunset 
  79. Learning who you would’ve been friends with in high school 
  80. Preaching for the first time ever (yep, that happened. I’m still processing)
  81. Bikes that prevent you from walking in the heat but fall apart
  82. Needing an ID after making 3 purchases with the same card and some random guy offering to pay for you
  83. Snuggles, even when it’s hot and sticky
  84. Finding a deep tide pool on a very long beach walk
  85. Painting the entire city in murals 
  86. Praying over the city during Semana Santa
  87. Washing more windows than we can count
  88. Discovering new podcasts 
  89. Really good Indian food in Costa Rica
  90. Getting to see a surfing dog
  91. Being spoiled in every housing situation 
  92. A new ring in each country
  93. American thrift stores
  94. No positive Covid tests on the team (one of 2 teams without it!)
  95. God somehow multiplying our cash to have exactly the right amount for the hostel
  96. Everyone making the flight after being less than a half hour from missing it
  97. Discovering how to download free e-books from the library (and probably reading way too much)
  98. Rooming beside the guys’ bathroom and hearing the best music and conversations 
  99. So much life change. Us and the people we’ve met.
  100. Spiritual freedom 


I can’t believe we’re already 100 days into the Race! God has been so good and so incredibly faithful to us. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s easy to see how He’s moving and growing us. Stay tuned for more blessings and adventures in the Dominican Republic and beyond!

3 responses to “100 Days, 100 Blessings”

  1. Your 100 blessings list was pure Vida awesome!

    All I can think of is you reiterating Psalm 103 !
    “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!”
    ??Psalms? ?103:1-5? ?NLT??

    My top favorites are number five, number 19 since I was there to experience it, number 21, 24, and yes I remember Fernando 43. 80, 99, and 100 close it out with preaching and gospel power!

    Keep running your race man a sin and keep storytelling your blessings one by one. That was so good!